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Re: [FreeDNS] Getting an IP Address

Hi Timothy,

>> How do you get an IP address, do need to register one somewhere?
>> After I've got it do I have to add it to some isp's routing tables
>> what?

You can't `register` an IP address as such from somewhere, and
transfer it to where ever you feel like.  Your ISP generally gets
allocated an IP range, and then allocates IPs to their clients.

Thus, you will need to get your ISP to allocate you an IP address.
This is generally just done for leased line customers, or if you
require a static IP for things like ETRN mail with MS Exchange.  (They
charge you obviously more for that dial account as well).

> I want to set an old 486 up as a web server somewhere connected to
> the internet permanently, like a my ISP or somewhere similar. I only
> have a dynamic IP from my ISP. BTW Where is the  best place to do
> this?

The best co-location hosting prices that I've come across are that of
StormNet ( for R700 a month, with a 1GB transfer
limit - after that they start charging you per additional MB
transferred.  (That's the cheapest rate that I've come across.)

If you would host it there, you would get a static IP address assigned
to your machine.

Perhaps see if you can't get the machine hosted at your office, or at
a friends office or such if you're not going to do any money
generating things on that machine.


jaco engelbrecht (jee242)                        bje@xxxxxxxxxx
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